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Why do i need a chess based lead generation tool ?

Let’s keep it simple – the more leads you generate, the more students you get, and hence mor revenue for your academy. For example, if the average Lifetime Value (LTV) of your customer is $1000, you can get $10000 even if you are able to convert just 10 quality leads from your quizzes.

What is chessfunnel ?

Chessfunnel is not just about quiz tool but a set of marketing tools from the creators of, the best chess coaching tool for professional chess coaches & academies. Run instant chess based quiz, quiz battles and open demo classes.

How does it work - can you show me?

Here's an example of how Panama Chess 4 Kids, an academy in panama uses the chessfunnel to grab leads!.

Look at the below link on how the tool is integrated into panamachess4kids website. Click to solve the puzzles !

This image shows email & other information of all the participants in panamachess4kids lead panel.

This image shows all answers/attempts from a particular participant.