Let’s get your academy App LIVE!
Here’s what is needed to publish your academy Mobile App to Play Store (for Android) and App Store (for iOS).
Please submit this information in the form (link given below). It will help us submit your app for review.
Short description about the App
A short and catchy description about the Mobile App. This will be shown in the “About this app” section in Play Store.

Full description about the App
A detailed description that explains what the app is about to the user. Here you may mention about the different courses you offer and highlight the different types of activities.

Contact information
The following contact information are needed to submit the app for review:
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number
- Website
- Support URL (support/contact page of the website)
Privacy Policy URL
A “Privacy Policy” page in your website that describes the App, data collected from the User, and how they are used.
The user will see this in Play Store:

Academy/Organization Logo
The logo will be used in the home page inside the app. It will also be used to create the app icon.