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    Although your students can sync their lichess/ games by themselves as explained here, you (as a coach) can also do that. To sync your students’ lichess/ games, you can go to the ‘Students’ tab of the Academy section, and then click “Edit” across a student:

    Tip: If you want to set the lichess/ username for multiple students, you can make use of the “Bulk Edit” using the Export/Import feature.

    You can then input their lichess/ username in the respective fields and click the “Sync Games” button to sync their games:

    After the games are synced, the student will have a new database of their lichess/ games:

    Student’s lichess games are synced to the database

    Student’s games are synced to the database

    Also, the databases will be shared with you (and other coaches who have been assigned this student). Therefore, you can find your students’ lichess/ games in “Shared Databases” under their folder:

    in Database