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    After you have asked a question to your students during a class, you can see their attempts live. Once you ask a question, you will see your students’ attempts live in the “Live View” tab:

    1) Students Attempts

    You will see a dedicated board for each of your student in the class with their name on top of the board, below which you will see the attempts they made along with the time at which they made those attempts.

    In the above example, we can see that John Doe has solved the puzzle in his 2nd attempt – he played 1.Rh5# and took 7 seconds to solve. Whereas, Jim solved the puzzle in a single attempt and took 9 seconds.

    2) Top Moves

    You can also see the top moves (most-commonly made moves) by your students as they try to solve the problem. This shows only the first move they make (in each of their attempts).

    In the above example, we can see that:

    • Rh5# – a total of two attempts with this first move
    • Rd7+ – one attempt with this first move
    • f7 – one attempt with this first move
    • Kh3 – one attempt with this first move
    • Kf3 – one attempt with this first move
    • Bc4 – one attempt with this first move

    The top moves shows a maximum of 6 unique moves at a time.

    3) Quick Stats

    You can also make use of the quick filters to see who solved and who didn’t. There are the following tabs:

    • All – shows all the students in the Classroom
    • Solved – shows all the students who have solved the current question
    • Solving – shows all the students who have made at least one attempt and yet to solve
    • Unattempted – shows all the students who did not complete a single attempt in the current question

    If you would like to go to the board view, go to the “Board” tab:

    If you would like to see an enlarged leaderboard, go to the “Leaderboard” tab:

    in Classroom