1) How to share a database?
If you want to share a database with your students or other coaches in your academy, click on the three vertical dots across the database, and then click “Share“.
In the pop-up that appears, you can see all your students, student groups, and coaches in your academy.
You can also search for students/groups. After selecting the user(s), you can choose whether they can edit/download the database. By default, they will have only “Read-only” access, which means that they can only view the games in the database.
If you want to allow them to edit the games and/or download the database, select “Allow Write” and/or “Allow Download” respectively.
Finally, click “Save” to share the folder of databases with the user(s):
Finally, you will see a message that the database has been shared successfully:
2) How to view shared database?
The databases that are shared with you can be viewed under the “Shared Databases” folder. In this example, we have shared the database “GM games” with another coach in the academy, Coach Mat, with student Jim, and to the student group “Beginners”.
In this case, Coach Mat (along with student Jim and students in the group “Beginners”) can find this database under his “Shared Databases” folder:
As it can be seen in the above image, they can “Edit” individual games (add comments and variations) for collaboration.
3) Sharing a database inside a folder
When sharing a database inside a folder, the database will be shared along with that folder. However, other databases in that folder won’t be shared. In this example, you can see that the folder “Top Chess Games” has two databases: Chess Games Collection and GM games. However, when we share the database GM games, Coach Mat sees only that database in the “Top Chess Games” folder.