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    After the class is over, you and your students can see the class details such as the leaderboard, classroom materials, notes, etc. For all the completed classes, you will see an option called “Show Details“. Click that to see the class details:

    Details shown to the coach

    As a coach, you can see the following tabs:

    1. Student: List of students who attended the class and who were invited to the class
    2. Leaderboard: Points scored by your students (at the end of the class) by answering your questions (learn more)
    3. Classroom Materials: All the puzzle questions you asked from your reference materials (you will be able to delete)
    4. Notes: Notes you’ve written for you and your students (learn more)

    Details shown to the students

    Your students will see the following details:

    1. Leaderboard: Points scored by your students (at the end of the class) by answering your questions (learn more)
    2. Classroom Materials: All the puzzle questions you asked from your reference materials (students cannot delete)
    3. Notes: Notes you’ve written for your students ONLY (learn more)

    1. Student Attendance

    The “Student” tab will show the student attendance of the class. You will see the list of attended and invited students:

    2. Leaderboard

    This tab will be visible to both you and your students. It will show the points scored by your students at the end of the class:

    3. Classroom Materials

    This tab will be visible to both you and your students. It will show all the questions you asked from your reference materials. The only difference is that you (as a coach) can delete the puzzle question, while your students cannot.

    4. Notes

    This tab will be visible to both you and your students. The only difference is that you (as a coach) can see the notes you have written to both you and your students, while your students can see only the notes you’ve written for them. You can learn more about it here.

    Below is an example of how a student sees only the notes for students:

    Below is an example of how the coach can see both personal and student notes:

    in Classroom