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    NOTE: Before sharing the public live URL to others (parents/relatives of your students, your friends, etc.), make sure to promote your academy by setting up the Info page – LINK

    Public Live URL

    You can share the public live URL by copying the link given in the ‘Live Games’ tab in the tournament:

    How does it look?

    As mentioned above, the public live page will show all the games of the ongoing round. In addition to that, the information you have given in the ‘Info’ tab in the “Academy” section (explained here – LINK) will be shown, i.e. the promotional elements. Below is how it looks:

    How will the parents watching help?

    Today’s parents are more engaged on social media, and use gadgets a lot, than a few years ago. They will pass on the public link to their friends and ask them to watch their kids playing chess live. It’s a cascading effect for YOUR academy brand.


    The information (texts and images) you give in the ‘Info’ tab under “Academy” will apply to ALL your tournaments. So if you want to change it for the next tournament, you have to make the changes in the ‘Info’ tab again.

    in Tournaments