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    NOTE: If you would like to get Public Quiz for your account, please reach out to our Support Team or send an email to

    To create a public quiz, go to the Quiz section:

    Click the “Create” button create a new quiz:

    To create a public quiz, you need to enter the following details:

    • Name: Name of the quiz. The participants can see this.
    • Level: Choose from Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
    • Add Study: This is where you load your existing studies to the quiz (learn more about studies – LINK)
    • Start time: The time from which participants can start taking in the quiz.
    • End time: The time till the quiz will be open. By default, this is one hour, but you can change it.
    • Private or Public: Choose Public so that anyone can participate in the quiz with the quiz link.
    • Collect information: You can collect the following information from your quiz participants: their name, email, and phone number. This will be collected so that they can see their quiz results.

    To load your studies to the quiz, click “Load from study“, and you will see all your studies on the side:

    You can either directly click “Load” to load your studies, or preview your study to see the activities inside them:

    After you have clicked “Load”, you will see the study being loaded. You can also click “Add more” to add more studies:

    Finally, click “Done” to create your quiz.

    You will then see your quiz link, which you can share publicly to encourage everyone to participate in the quiz:

    in Studies & Quiz