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    To create a private quiz, go to the Quiz section:

    Click the “Create” button create a new quiz:

    To create a private quiz, you need to enter the following details:

    • Name: Name of the quiz. The participants can see this.
    • Level: Choose from Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
    • Add Study: This is where you load your existing studies to the quiz (learn more about studies – LINK)
    • Start time: The time from which participants can start taking in the quiz.
    • End time: The time till the quiz will be open. By default, this is one hour, but you can change it.
    • Private or Public: Choose Private so that students of your academy can participate in the quiz.
    • Select students: Select students/groups to invite them to take the quiz.

    To load your studies to the quiz, click “Load from study“, and you will see all your studies on the side:

    You can either directly click “Load” to load your studies, or preview your study to see the activities inside them:

    After you have clicked “Load”, you will see the study being loaded. You can also click “Add more” to add more studies:

    Finally, click “Done” to create your quiz.

    You will then see the list of students you have invited to the quiz.

    • Total Invitees: These are the total number of students who you have invited to the quiz
    • Total Participants: These are the students who started the quiz (attempted at least one activity)
    in Studies & Quiz