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    If you want to manually pair your students to play casual/friendly games in the Game Area, you can do that by clicking the ‘Create Pairings‘ button at the top right:

    After clicking that, you will see a pop-up where you have to select the game settings and create pairings by selecting your students:

    • Set the time control
    • Allow Resign/Draw – draw and resign options for students. When unchecked, your students won’t be able to ask draw and resign games (same as allow/disallow draw and resign in tournaments – LINK)
    • Initial Position – to set a custom initial position (learn more)
    • Select the White and Black players from the drop-down
    • Click ‘Add Pairing‘ to add more set of players – you can create a maximum of 25 pairings (i.e. pair 50 players) at a time
    • Click ‘Delete’ action if you want to delete a pairing
    • Finally, click ‘Start Games‘ to start the games. Once done, the game will be loaded for your students. Therefore, ensure that your students are ready online before starting the games.

    Note: You can also pair your students with computer levels. However, time control won’t apply for games with computer.

    Below is an example:

    Once the games have started, you can watch the games live by going to the ‘Live Games‘ tab. Learn more about watching the games live here – LINK.

    in Game Area