After logging in, go to the “Courses” section.
To create a new course, click the “Create” button at the top right:
1) Info
In the “Info” section, you need to give the basic information about the course including the course name, description, image, level, and category.
You can drag-drop the course or click on the section to browse from your device.
After uploading the course image and entering the basic details, click “Next”:
2) Content
The “Content” step is where you will add the course contents, i.e. adding collections (of studies) to the course.
On the right side, you will see the list of collections. You can filter the collections based on the category (My, Public, and Shared). You can also use the search bar to search for collections. Clicking on a collection will expand and show the studies inside it:
Finally, simply click “Add” to add the collection to the course. As you add collections, they will be shown on the left side. Clicking “Remove” will remove the collection from the course:
You may also rearrange the collections added. Simply click the ☰ icon and drag-drop to rearrange.
After adding collections to the course, click “Next”.
3) Configuration
In the “Configuration” step, you can decide which of your students can see the course and which part of the course contents will be accessible to them.
Visibility Settings
In the “Visibility Settings” tab, you can determine who can see the course.
Members: First, you can select which of your academy students (members) can see the course. By default, it will be “All students”. If you want only specific students to learn the course, then you may choose “Selected students/groups” and then those students/groups.
Non-Members: Non-members are not part of your academy, but are leads generated from your mobile app. Click here to learn more – LINK.
If you don’t want the course to be visible to ANYONE who signs up to your mobile app (not part of your academy), then enable the toggle “Hide course from non-members(public)?”.
By enabling the toggle, the non-members cannot see this course in the mobile app.
Lock Settings
By default, the course contents will NOT be locked. If you want to lock specific lesson(s), or chapter(s), or even the entire course to specific students, select “Yes”:
After selecting “Yes”, you can see the “Lock Settings” tab being unlocked.
Finally, click “Submit” to create the course. You can then find the course being created: