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7 habits of highly effective chess coach

Inspired from 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey. How can a chess coach apply these effective habits to grow their academy ?

  1. Be proactive – A chess coach can be proactive by reaching out to potential students, hosting events or tournaments, and actively seeking out new opportunities to expand their academy. For example, a chess coach might proactively reach out to local schools or community centers to offer their services as an after-school program. They might also create flyers or social media posts advertising their academy and upcoming events or tournaments.
  2. Begin with the end in mind – A chess coach can begin with the end in mind by setting clear goals and objectives for their academy, such as increasing enrolment, improving student performance, or expanding to new locations. For example, a chess coach might set a goal to double their enrolment within the next year. To achieve this, they might create a marketing plan, increase the number of classes offered, or hire additional coaches to accommodate more students.
  3. Put first things first – A chess coach can put first things first by prioritizing the most important tasks and activities that will help them achieve their goals. For example, a chess coach might prioritize building strong relationships with their existing students and their families, as word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool. They might also prioritize creating a safe and welcoming environment for students to learn and grow.
  4. Think win-win – A chess coach can think win-win by focusing on creating mutually beneficial relationships with students, their families, and other organizations or businesses in the community. For example, a chess coach might partner with a local coffee shop to host chess nights, where students can play and learn while the shop benefits from increased foot traffic.
  5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood – A chess coach can seek first to understand their students and their needs, before trying to sell them on their services or programs. For example, a chess coach might ask their students and their families about their goals, interests, and learning styles, and then tailor their approach to meet their specific needs.
  6. Synergize – A chess coach can synergize by working collaboratively with other coaches, organizations, or businesses in the community to create new opportunities for students. For example, a chess coach might partner with a local park district to host a community-wide chess tournament, which benefits both organizations and provides a fun and engaging activity for the community.
  7. Sharpen the saw – A chess coach can sharpen the saw by continuously learning and improving their own skills and knowledge, as well as seeking out new and innovative teaching methods or technologies. For example, a chess coach might attend professional development workshops or conferences, or research new teaching techniques to incorporate into their curriculum.

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